Tabletop Exercise
A tabletop exercise is a facilitated analysis of an emergency situation in an informal, stress-free environment. It is designed to elicit constructive discussion as participants examine and resolve problems based on existing plans and procedures and identify where those plans/procedures need to be refined.
A tabletop exercise held in Greenfield, Wisconsin focusing on long term care facility evacuations.
A tabletop exercise has several important applications:
- Low stress discussions of coordination and policies/plans
- Good environment for problem solving
- Opportunity for key agencies and stakeholders to meet and work face to face
- Participants gain value in learning their roles and respective responsibilities
- Chance to learn or review other agencies resources and responsibilities
- Great stepping stone to prepare for operations based exercises such as a functional or full scale
Pre-Emergency Planning, LLC has designed, developed and facilitated hundreds of tabletop exercises. We have had the pleasure of providing tabletop exercises to a variety of clients ranging from utilities to government entities and municipalities to private businesses and higher education institutions.
We can customize a tabletop exercise that is designed specifically for your agency or organizations unique emergency preparedness needs.
Please contact us to see what we can do for you!